REALTOR® Member, Theresa Taylor: Forward Indiana Installs 24/7 Food Pantry In Leesburg
Monday, February 22, 2021

LEESBURG — Leesburg became the first town in Kosciusko County to install a Forward Indiana self-service food pantry on Sunday, Feb. 21.
The pantry is hosted and sponsored by Theresa Taylor, owner of Trump Realty, 103 W. Van Buren St., and was almost immediately filled with donations.
The pantry was unveiled Sunday.
“This is the most people we’ve ever had for an installation,” exclaimed Sarah Thompson, a 2006 Wawasee High School graduate and artist who started the non-profit Forward Indiana with Carlos Marcano in the Fort Wayne area in 2020.
Taylor and Thompson have known each other for over 20 years, having previously been neighbors in North Webster. When Taylor heard what Forward Indiana was doing she said,
“We need one in our community The issue of food instability is near and dear to my heart,” said Taylor.
Her mother, aged 72, continues to run a large food pantry in Buchanan County, Va.
The pantry is accessible to anyone at any time, 24/7, with the motto, “Take what you need, share what you can.”